Adele Burdon Artist and printmaker
Inspired by the luscious landscapes of Northumberland and camper van explorations of Europe and the rugged mountainous scenery. Working from the Hearth at Horsley creating textural, atmospheric, original prints using
combinations of found objects and materials.
Examples can be found in galleries in and around Scotland and North East England including :
Rheged Gallery, Penrith - Great Print7 until 8/5/22
Northern Print, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Flat Cat Gallery, Lauder
Numberfour gallery, St Abbs
Exhibitions and Awards
Printfest Ulverston April 29th to May1st 2022 - Winner of McClures Award
Wood Horn museum, Northumberland - 'Portrait of Northumberland' exhibition 19th Feb - 24nd April 2022
Rheged Gallery, Penrith 3rd December until 8th May 2022
Number Four Gallery, St Abbs. Winter 2020-2021
Birch tree Gallery ' Autumn glow' 21st October - 17th Nov 2020
Wood Horn museum, Northumberland - 'Myth and Magic' exhibition 15th Feb - 22nd March 2020 (closed early due to Covid19)
Borders Art Fair Kelso (2020)
Newcastle Arts Centre, 'Printmakers Exhibition', 23rd Nov 2019 - 18th Jan 2020
The Sill, Northumberland National Park. 'Inspired by our land' exhibition Nov 7th - Jan 19th 2020
Platform Gallery 'In Print' exhibition July/Aug 2019
Printfest Ulverston 2019
Printfest Ulverston 2018 - Winner of the Founders Award
Northern print, Newcastle upon tyne - The Late shows April 2016
Northern Footprints, 2015 - Winner of Green Dragon Award
Robinson Gay Gallery, Hexham - Life drawing Group exhibition 2015
Biscuit factory Gallery ,Newcastle - Printmaking exhibition 2007, 2008, 2009
Horsley Printmakers: Workshops in Intaglio and relief printmaking with Rebecca Vincent and Carol Nunan
Newcastle University: Intaglio printmaking workshops with Rebecca Vincent
Life drawing and sculpture with Angela Palmer , Teresa Toms, Alan McGowan and Lisa Delarney
Edinburgh College of Art : BA Hons Interior Architecture
Newcastle Collage of Art : BTEC HND Spatial Design

